Bringing Back Field Days

Not sure what kind of elementary school you went to, but back in Texas we had yearly Field Days at the end of the year. We lived for these days. First off, there were SNOW CONES. Second, you could win tokens to buy SNOW CONES. Third, there were ribbons for each event. Not just first place ribbons, but ribbons for every place. Sack races, balloon tosses, tug-of-war, etc. It was definitely my favorite date of the school year, which was saying a lot since I never really participated in many organized sports.

At Entertaining Adventure, although our specialty is scavenger hunting, we realize the same feeling of lightheartedness and fun can also take the form of an old school field day. Yes, the games are competitive--but a silly kind of competitive. Watching your co-workers, friends or family sticking Ritz Crackers and Easy Cheese onto their teammates covered in ponchos, you can't help but laugh.

Southern California is the perfect location because of the seasonal weather. We don't have to wait until June rolls around to make it happen. Year-round, we're able to put on a field day in the park of your choice.

As always, we have the most fun collaborating with you & creating an event that works with your needs. We're happy to customize the relays and games to fit with your desires--or let us create our own line up and surprise you!

Check out our field days & book one today!